Laura Vinicombe

4 May 2011

abut the blog

so im gonna start blogging again..miss it very much xx but first i need to make a proper design maybe itll take some days, maybe two but be sure to come back for some sexy picss xx

24 November 2010

time for a new post!

YUMMM! my cake and ic cream, was the best ever iam telling you ash make's the best puddings ever, if you ever get a chance try it;). Also cant wait till tomorro well after lunch time, in the morrning got work then after lunch shopping time more christmas gifts, aslo i got my sister katie prices new perfume and a ed hardy bag and jog suit do you thing she will like them hmm?.
lol,  someone tryed to hack me on bebo but it didn't work ha! they will never get on my account my passwords are the best no one ever thinks of them, and i have changed it just incase:) good luck now loser! also need a new camera my old camera's pixels are shite:(!

22 November 2010

always falling in love.

well its been 1 day and i cant stop thinking about him, hes my drug and iam addicted!. i wish i was with him all the time, i want to wake up n the morning and see his face and i wanna fall alseep in his arms again.I miss looking into your deep brown eyes and feeling your somehow lushes hair and even your sun bed tan i must say is the best i have seen!. mikey i miss you, i love , i want you back, iam sorry i finished it, but the fact is your a bit of a control freak! but i love you....and always will<3


christina and me have been best friends for year wee grow up togther and we are still best friends today she is the best i can trust her with everything that happens in my life she  will  be there till the end for me, she has been there for me in th good times even the bad times! i would so anything for her, shes great and that why shes  my first bestfriend<3 i love her to bit because what she does for me, im glad shes my bestfriend  and not anyone else's. here are pictures old and new of me and my gal, most of these times have been the happyest times in my life so far....
   lou ,kerri,rachel,kelly,ash, megan ,cheyney and tahnee  i love use's all too
   we can all be best friends till the end also if thats all okay with use waha
   laura, christina, tahnee, lou, rachel, ash, kerri, megan ,kelly and cheyney bestfrinds hehe x

(i know this might seem pointless and childish to you but its not to us! you would do the same thing as i have done if you had friends like mine<3x )

i miss

i miss been in holiday, the sun the beach i miss it all  even the smells.i'am wanting to move to some where hot like spain or france<3, possibly france with all th clothes epp!!! lol. Here are some pictures from my last holiday on the spainish island gran canaria. hope you like some the pictures most of these pictures are not on bebo yet because i download pictures to bebo when i feel like it so sometime when i put up pictures on bebo they might be newest, and not long ago and old pictures:).

21 November 2010

NEWS! wahah

        my bright pink exstenstions, my 1 out of 3 best buys
my new bracelet, my 2 out 3 best buys and i love it!
 my new pants lol(got them in a american shop) my 3 out 3 best buys

today had work till half 1, then i went out shopping with my girls! been walking around for hours because kelly lost her car keys;(! but iam okay now lol, and iam shocked with my self i havent cheaked facebook, my bbm or bebo like wow! iam so proud of myself iam so addicted to them!, so when been out shopping i got tunes of new things including christmas gifts! wahaha, and got myself  new bright pink exstension they are defo 1 of my 3 best buys today! i shall post my 3 best buys above^ this, i'll be posting them on my only websites later tonight after x factor:).....

AND THE BIG NEWS IS..... its not on bebo, facebook or been on my bbm so this is the first place to no about this but guys and girls iam single again, it just didn't work out, mr.carr was too contreling over me, he wanted me to deleted my website cause he got to jeaulos of me talkig to other people, he also tryed to make me stop going out at weekends because as he said " laura i dont want you going out drinking and partying as much you always show too much for my taste!, and it should only be me who see's you like that!, and i hate when iam home and your out you could be doing anything behind my back laura, and if that hasent happend yet i dont want it to so thats why your going to need to stop going out like a f**king slaper and dress your age!  but i didn't mean that in a bad way i just dont want some prick trying something stupid on you!, you might even get raped dressed like that!".
I was speachless when he told me this:|! but iam okay about it and i finished with him:), and iam glad too have done it, he need to change again when i first went with him he was so sweet<3, aftr we split form that and got back 2 years after he changed a bit, now 3rd time round he had changed alot:S! just awk!!

some of my pictures iam loving the now

some pictures i'am in love with at the moment, some are old!!! like school days old and some are new. also got great news wahaha got my facebook fake's account deleted off facebook, so i'am  very glad abotu that but still got my very bad cold awk! wish that would got away!.